August, 2021

Damatta launches Reserva Cured Ham and Chourição Castelhano & Salami

Damatta has recently placed two new references on the market: Reserva Cured Ham 14 months and Chourição Castelhano & Salami. According to the brand, these are limited editions.

“These two new Damatta editions were developed so that they can be kept in a cool, dry place without needing to be in the cold, which makes it possible to display them in various spaces at points of sale. The new ranges further reinforce the exclusive and carefully selected collection of national delicatessen products of the Damatta brand, and are presented in a distinctive and premium packaging, ideal to complement a Christmas gift or to be offered at any dinner among friends,” explains Damatta in a press release.

The two new Damatta brand products are available in the usual distribution channels, the Reserva Cured Ham 14 Months Damatta in packages of 100 grams for a RRP of 4.99 euros, and the Chourição Castelhano & Salami in packages of 150 grams for a RRP of 3.99 euros.


Source: distribuiçã


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